Ask these questions before you sign your wedding videographer!

You’ve watched their stuff. You like it. 

You’ve checked their prices. You have the budget. 

You’ve told them your date. They have it open.

Everything is good to go. Right? Maybe? Hope so?

No doubt these things are critical to actually being able to get booked for your big day. However, it’s better to not have a videographer and wish you had one than to have one and wish you didn’t have the one you booked. Aside from making one of the 4 big videographer booking mistakes mentioned here it is important to take time before you sign and ask some pointed questions. 

The right question has a way reveal way more than an answer; but professionalism, passion, and character. Below are 4 questions to ask your videographer before you sign. (And why you should ask them)

1. What is your goal when filming a wedding?

(Reveals if this is a job or a passion)

It may sound like an innocent enough question but learning their goals reveals a lot about the person(s) you are considering going with. Is their goal getting you “signed now before someone else takes your spot because it’s a busy season!?” Or is it, “having the honor of spending time with a couple on the biggest day of their lives with the hopes of not just making a video, but adding value to their entire wedding.” I think you see where we’re going. Sure, these weddings do have to pay bills, but working a 9-5 can do that. *When they are answering listen to see if you feel they want your money more than they want to invest into you as a client.*

2. What are you most proud of in your business?

(Reveals your videographer’s priorities)

Are they proud of fast turnover times? Are they most proud when that tough father-in-law cries and says thank you? That they signed 30 weddings in one year? That they have expanded their business to have multiple crews running on the same dates in a tri-state area? I’m not here to tell you which of those things you should or shouldn’t be proud of the most. What I am saying is that when they tell you what they are proud of it reveals what is most important to them. Do the things they value resonate with you? You may not want a videographer whose top passion is running a multi-tier matrix organization as much as you value the videographer whose top priority is giving the bride’s father a tissue when he is crying after the first look. (After it’s been filmed first of course because that is an awesome shot and you KNOW it will make the highlight!) * When they are answering listen to see fit the things they value most energize you or not. *

3. Can you describe your style of filming to me? 

(Reveals how they will interact with you during your day and ultimately portray it.)

Give the videographer some space to explain how they plan on being with you on your day. 

Some videographers like to stage shots. 

Some are naturally more candid. 

Some blend the two. 

Some bring a story in mind that they want to tell. 

Some want as much as possible to share the story of the day as it is. 

Some operate quietly and discreetly.

Some read the situation and influence the environment when needed. 

These are all things that you won’t necessarily pick up by just watching a few of their videos. As much as it pains me to say it, videographers are artist…with opinions…and boundaries. No one would have dared asked Picasso to color in the lines and paint by numbers. Find out how they operate as an artist. * When they are answering listen to see if you think they will tell the story of you day the way you want it told. *

4. What is your delivery method and when should I expect it after the wedding? 

(Reveals…well…their delivery method and how long you will have to wait!)

Not all questions have a double meaning. This one just had to be in the list though! Delivery methods range from flash drives, to dropbox, to fancy media link packages. Beyond that you want to have an idea of how long their turnover is. Standard turnover is increasingly becoming 2-3 months. If this question seems to excite them that means your videographer probably values getting your videos to you in a timely and professional manner. That means they most likely have an effective system to manage time and professional experience to edit efficiently.  (Full disclosure: I know this personally because I value getting my highlights back between 1-3 days and I love it when that question is asked!) * When they are answering listen to see if their delivery method seems thoughtful and turnover seems reasonable. *

So, yes, these are 4 helpful questions to ask before you sign on the line. As you know there isn’t a “holy grail” of questions. The point is, regardless of what you decide to ask, it’s helpful to ask questions that reveal the character and personality of your videographer.

Then you just need ask one more question…to yourself.

5. Do I feel like this videographer values the same things I value so the story they tell is the story I want told?


4 HUGE MISTAKES people make when hiring a videographer.